If you prefer to view your tasks in detail, then the list view is perfect for you. This view comes up when you click on Tasks and then List on any space (as the default view is the Board view).
There are a few filtering and sorting options, and you can scroll the view to the right to see more fields or down to see more tasks.
Fullscreen view and compact view
There are two available view sizes for you when looking at your tasks via the list view: fullscreen and compact. By default, the view of the list view is on fullscreen, which means that it will take the whole area of the app.

You can click on “Compact” in the upper right corner of the UI to set it into Compact view.

The compact view will compress the task list into the same size as the right-hand panel of the app. You can then scroll sideways to view other filtering or sorting categories.

The list view works the same in both views. However, there are some limitations to the compact view:
- When you want to apply filters, it automatically switches to the fullscreen view - but when filters are chosen, you can go back to the compact view with the filters you’ve selected with no problem.
- Toggles: Completed by me, Closed, and Archived are not displayed at the compact view - but when switched or toggled from the fullscreen view, they can be cascaded onto the compact view.
Creating new tasks
For fullscreen view, you can create a new task by pressing the large blue (+) in the bottom right corner of your screen if you want to make a task in the expanded tasks panel, and a task card will open.

For compact view, there is an “Add Task” button at the bottom of the panel. You’ll need to add the task’s title to the “Add task” bar before a task can be created. Once a task is created, it will appear on your compact view task list, where you can click on it to edit it for more details and descriptions.

Viewing tasks
Viewing tasks is virtually the same for either fullscreen or compact view. You can easily view tasks in the space by clicking on the task name. It will automatically open the task’s details on the right-hand side panel.

From there, you can make edits or updates to the task. Don’t forget to save your changes!
Updating, moving, sorting, and filtering tasks
To edit a task in the expanded list view, you only have to press the field and change it. Note that it is impossible to change a task's name in any of the views. You must enter the task if you want to change its name. Important task details like start dates and due dates can also be added. However, note that you’ll need to add a due date before being able to add a start date.
Editing and updating tasks are quickly done on your list's compact or fullscreen views. As mentioned above, there are just some minor things you’ll need to take note of, such as setting up filters or activating toggles while on compact view.
Here are the filtering options for the list view:
- Assigned to me: Filter by all the tasks that have you as an assignee.
- Due date: Filter by the past due date, no due date, due today, tomorrow, and in the next 7 days. Only one of the options can be selected at the same time.
- Date last updated: Filter by today, yesterday, last 7 days, or last 30 days. Only one of the options can be selected at the same time.
- Task lists: Filter by the lists created by you. For example: to-do, doing, and done. All selected lists will appear when filtered.
- Labels: Filter by labels created by you. When selecting more than one label, a task must have all selected labels before it can appear.
- Assignees: Filter by task assignees. When selecting more than one assignee, all tasks will be displayed where any of the chosen assignees are present, whether they are together or not.
- Assignee status: Filter by assignee status: none, doing, blocked, or done. When selecting more than one status, all tasks will display where any of the selected statuses are present, regardless of their presence in the same task.
- Created by: Filter by the member who created the task. When selecting more than one person, all tasks will appear created by the individual(s).
- Priority: Filter by priority: lowest, low, medium (default), high or highest.
- Sprint: Show only tasks assigned to a sprint or tasks not assigned to a sprint.
In addition, you can also sort your listed tasks with the following options:
- Task: Sort by the name of your tasks.
- Task lists: Sort by the lists created by you. For example: to-do, doing, and done. All selected lists will appear when filtered.
- Assignees: Sort by task assignees.
- Labels: Sort by labels created.
- Priority: Sort by priority: lowest, low, medium (default), high, or highest.
- Sprint: Only available for PRO spaces. Sort by the sprint the task is a part of.
- Start date: Sort by the start date of your tasks.
- Due date: Sort by due dates.
- Updated: Sort by the date the task was last updated.
For the list view on My Tasks, you’ll have additional options to filter tasks:
- Task age: Option to filter tasks depending on age/duration - Tasks in the last 3 months, Tasks in the previous 6 months, Tasks last year.
- Due date: Option to filter tasks depending on their due date - Tasks due today, Tasks due in the next 7 days
- Assigned to me: Filter by all the tasks that have you as an assignee
- Created by me: Filter to show all tasks you’ve created.
- Followed: Filter to show only tasks that you’re following.
- All: Show all tasks assigned to you, created by you, or followed by you.

Frequently asked questions for task list view
Why can’t I see tasks completed by me in the list compact view?
By default, the toggle to show tasks completed by me or archived is switched off. However, it can be turned on in the fullscreen view.
Can tasks be deleted or archived directly from the list view?
No, you will need to click on the task and enter its panel to delete or archive it.
Is it only possible to see tasks and list names on the list compact view?
Not at all. All the other columns are also visible on the compact view; you just need to scroll sideways via the scrollbar at the bottom of the panel.
Is it possible to rearrange the column order?
At the moment, it’s not possible to do so. But if this is something you’d like to see, feel free to let us know over at the Rock Support & Updates space.