Set Aside







Set Aside is a unique Rock feature that we added to allow users to seamlessly access important information stored in tasks, notes, topics, messages, and files.

To access your set aside items, press the clock button on the bottom left-hand side of the app. It's right on top of Activities and Help.

The items you set aside will appear in chronological order on the Set Aside panel. The more recent items you've set aside will appear on the top of the list, and the older ones will appear further down.

Clicking on each item in the Set Aside panel will directly open the object's edit panel, where you can easily access everything you've set aside.

Aside from teaching you the basics of Set Aside, we'll also teach you how to set aside items to maximize your productivity by ensuring that you don't have to sift through spaces and lists to find items you'll need quickly.

You can Set Aside a whole variety of information on Rock. The panel allows you to quickly access the following objects once added:

  • Messages
  • Tasks
  • Topics
  • Notes
  • Files (Files from cloud services or Rock files, etc.)
  • Folders

Setting aside messages

You can set aside important messages from chat by hovering over the message you want to set aside. Once you hover, a prompt will appear where you can select Set Aside on the message. Next, click on the Set Aside icon to add the message to your Set Aside list.

Setting aside notes, tasks, and topics

To set aside notes, tasks, and topics, you need to enter the editing panel of the object. Once open, there will be a Set Aside option on the top part of the app, right beside the mention button. The procedure is the same for notes, tasks, and topics.

Setting aside files and folders

Setting aside files and folders requires you to go to the files mini-app.

Once you’re in the mini-app, it will show you all the folders you’ve integrated. Hovering over those folders will give you the option to set them aside. You can also set aside files and subfolders once you enter a folder. You can also set aside files uploaded into Rock.

Similar to other objects, the option to Set Aside will appear when you hover over the items.

Removing Set Aside items

To remove items from your Set Aside panel, click on the “x” on the upper right-hand corner of each item. Clicking the “x” button immediately removes the item from your Set Aside list.

You can remove them by clicking the same set aside button inside a task/topic, etc.

If you remove all items you have set aside, you can use the "Clear all" button on top of the Set Aside panel.

Set Aside Tip

The Set Aside feature can be a powerful tool for task management and prioritization. You can use this feature to set your daily/weekly priorities so that you can work uninterrupted. All the elements and objects you’ll need to complete your work as efficiently and effectively as possible can be set aside.

That way, you don’t have to go through numerous spaces and get distracted by unnecessary chatter, especially when you have deadlines to meet and other things to work on.

Frequently Asked Questions for Set Aside

Can anyone see the objects I set aside?

No, these items are added there only for you. Each user will have a completely different set of set aside items, depending on their priorities.

Can I rearrange objects in my set Aside panel?

No. But if you want to move something to the top of the list, you can open the object from the set aside panel, remove it from set aside, and set it again.

Can I set aside comments?

No, but you can set aside answers in topics.

Can I see the objects I set aside across all devices I use?

Yes, the list is saved on your account. So you will see the same objects on each device as long as they are logged in to the same account.

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Rock brings order to chaos with messaging, tasks,notes, and all your favorite apps in one space.